I love love love my engagement ring and wedding bands but…

like many other busy bees out there, I never actually stop to clean it! I finally got around to scrubbing my favorite pieces of jewelry this weekend and O-M-G the difference a little cleaning solution and light scrubbing can make is unreal. Below are my 3 favorite inexpensive cleaning hacks for your BFFs (aka your DIAMONDS).

THE HOLY GRAIL PEN  ($5) – I got this pen as a Christmakkah gift this year and it, like my ring, was gathering dust for months. I tested it out yesterday and I seriously could not believe how clean and sparkly it got my rings. For only 5 bucks on amazon prime I HIGHLY recommend this pen. It’s small enough to take with you anywhere and all you need with it is a little water. If you’re here through my IG, this is what I used to clean my ring in that ~sparkly~ pic you clicked.

THE WIPES  ($13 for a pack of 10) – These are a great gift for yourself or a newly engaged friend (got mine in a cute engagement gift basket a year ago). I love them because they are individually wrapped and can go anywhere with you. You don’t really need anything except the wipes themselves and they soap up and get into every single little nook in your ring. These are definitely more expensive (and less good for the earth) than the pen BUT they are the best for traveling (i.e. getting that baby to sparkle on your honeymoon).  

THE OLD TRICK – Soap and water people!! I was freaking out a few days before my bridal shower because I didn’t have time to go to the jeweler for real cleaning and I couldn’t find the wipes above, so my mom suggested the old ‘warm water, soap, and a soft bristle toothbrush’ trick. AND IT WORKS. Put a little soap on a soft head toothbrush and get it sudsy with warm water; scrub gently and wash off after a minute or two of cleaning. To quote Rihanna, I guarantee your ring will ~shine bright like a diamond~

Would love to be blinded by your sparkly rings so send me a pic if you use any of these tricks!

