Hi, I’m Chelsea! I’m a born & raised NYC gal, recent newlywed (is a 2018 bride still a newlywed? Asking for a friend), and soon-to-be mama coming November 2020! I love watching the office with my husband, Erik, cuddling with our rescue dog, Sadie, and giving sometimes-unsolicited brutal AF advice like only a true BFF would. Oh, and I love tacos (because, duh.)

A few years ago I set out on a mission to explain it all (everything from how to DIY an oven mitt to how to have the best orgasm) and somewhere along the way I realized I was just a girl, blogging on the internet, asking my readers to trust my honest AF opinions about the random shit life threw at me.

I’m real and I’m unfiltered and I write about everything. If you want to know about the realities of my fertility journey (and miscarriage) I’m open about it, if you want a recommendation for fall outfit staples, I got that too. If you want wellness tips or you’re an autoimmune warrior like me (#hashimotos) then welcome to the tribe! It’s a mixed bag around these parts because my life isn’t just one big theme and I’m too antsy to stick to one topic for too long anyway.

In terms of style, I’m just a girl trying to get dressed in the morning without 30 costume changes and a mental breakdown. I also really, really like money (like, never want to give it up) and now I’m crushing the amazon prime game, helping y’all find entire outfits for less than the cost of a sweetgreen salad (literally.) Shop my looks here.

Also, this might be TMI but this domain used to house my sex blog with juicy details about stringing men along and the wonders of the female orgasm. But these days I’m a married woman and I’ve replaced sex tips with diy tips. It’s sad, but it’s true. I’ve done 1000s of DIY projects – from home reno to cricut crafting – and here is where I spill the beans on the good, bad and annoying AF things you run into during each project.

​Speaking of projects…there’s nothing I love more than taking something hideous, dirty, and stuck in the 1950s and bringing it INTO THIS MILLENIUM. Two years ago my husband, Erik, and I purchased our first home, which came with some ~gems~ like a 1950’s kitchen, an astroturf balcony, a puke green bathroom, a bedroom with a drop ceiling, and a BLACK/GREEN TILE ENCASED SHOWER (seriously).  Check out my home decor + reno page & come along as we laugh, cry, and try not to seriously injure ourselves or each other as we completely gut and reno our home.

Oh, and I should probably mention that this blog isn’t PG.

There are definitely a few curse words floating around in the middle of my reviews of amazon leggings and the best home decor deals of 2020. Just a heads up.