If you’ve been following me for a while you know I like to DIY basically every aspect of my life… in fact it was just last week I was talking about DIYing your own invitations. But I can tell you from experience that it takes a lot of time, effort, and patience for them to come out even 1/2 as good as professional invites. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
And with so many special events coming up in my life… hello gender reveal, baby shower, and the “welcome to the world!” baby announcement I’m bound to send out, I definitely wanted to find a great alternative to doing everything myself (especially since I know my ~me~ time is about to end in approximately 3 months.)
So as per usual, I set off on a mission to find the best bang for my buck with professional invitations. Enter: Basic Invite.

Because I like to do it all myself, I’m pretty picky about everything; from the color to the fonts to the feel of the paper. Fun fact: I once sent back my wedding invitations because they weren’t the right shade of black (sorry, not sorry!) So when I stumbled upon Basic Invites it was truly love at first-sample. That’s because Basic Invite lets you create your own invitations and then order your custom sample to see what your actual invite will look and feel like. No one else does this! Usually if you want a sample you just get some half-assed generic situation that doesn’t give you the whole picture.
Besides the amazing sample advantage, I also liked Basic Invite over other online invite retailers because I found they had the most customizable selection in terms of colors, papers, and envelops. This may seem silly but as I said 2 seconds ago, I did literally return invitations I’d bought from a different company because their shading was off which made the whole invite look dark navy as opposed to the black I’d ordered. With Basic Invite’s almost unlimited color selection and free sample you will never have to go through the headache I suffered and that, my friend, is A BLESSING. You’re welcome.
I’m obviously in the market for baby invites but they also have tons of custom birthday invitations, graduation invites, wedding invites, and even customizable business cards!! Plus they have other perks like foil touches and address capturing services to easily get everyone’s info!
If you’re in the market for gorgeous, affordable, and super customizable invites be sure to check out their site here, or their Pinterest & Instagram pages. Right now Basic Invite is offering 15% off with coupon code: 15FF51

If you make some gorgeous invites on their site be sure to send them my way so I can see how you customized everything! I love looking at all the different options and pretty graphic designs!