One of my absolute favorite things in life? Amazon Jewelry.

THE RINGS! And necklaces. And earrings. Basically I’m a jewelry lover constantly on the hunt for the “look for less.” I actually pride myself on my jewelry finds because I’m extremely picky with the pieces that I’ll wear. It’s not that I’m a jewelry snob (you should SEE the hideous rings I rocked in 2006), but mostly I’m picky because I react to EVERYTHING. Seriously; I once wore a $5 ring from Kohls for less than 20 minutes and the bottom of my finger turned green and started itching like crazy. I was stuck at a fancy wedding looking like I was mutating…It’s all fun and games until you have to hide your fingers at the buffet stations.

I imagine it must be nice to have perfect skin that doesn’t react to questionable metals, but alas this is the card I was dealt. Weird rashy-green reactions to sketchy jewelry. Fun times. Anyway, in an attempt to never embarrass myself publicly again, I now take the time to test out all my jewelry in the privacy of my home. And boy have I struck the jackpot in the last 2 years. WITH AMAZON JEWELRY. It’s okay, I get it. If I hadn’t tried these pieces myself I’d also be questioning someone on the internet telling me that a $10 ring on amazon is a good investment. But I promise you these pieces are legit.

Sidenote: If you’re looking for the ~real deal~ jewelry faves you can head over to my affordable designer favorites gift guide where I included some gorgeous (and still reasonably priced!) pieces.


amazon jewelry finds

These are my tried and true jewelry purchases from good ol’ Amazon. None of them turn me green, none of them have tarnished in the 2+ years I’ve had them, and all of them are under $20. Such a steal. Honestly they’d make a great treat yo’ self present, the perfect holiday stocking stuffer, or a placeholder while you save up for the real deal.

If you have any amazon jewelry favorites please comment below or hit me up on my instagram so we can discuss!! I love trying the hidden gems.

Want more amazon finds? You can head over to my SHOP THE LOOK page or follow me on where I post favorites every day!

Also, I do want to note that some of the links throughout this article are affiliate linksThis means I may make a small commission if you shop through them. Thank you so much for supporting my little corner of the interwebs – it means a lot!